DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Georgia > Dade County > Report # 21359
Report # 21359  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Friday, August 31, 2007.
Morning sighting by fisherman near Rising Fawn
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YEAR: 1987

SEASON: Summer


STATE: Georgia

COUNTY: Dade County

LOCATION DETAILS: it was a back road off in the woods with a pond and corn field the name of the road is cloverdale road right of hwy 11 in rising fawn

NEAREST TOWN: rising fawn ga

NEAREST ROAD: cloverdale rd

OBSERVED: it was 8:30 am me and jody was going fishing and when we got there a camper was there and a few people so he got out and was talking to them and i went to the side of the pond where trees where in the water to bass fish i was there about 10 minutes when the hair on my neck stood up i looked around but didnt see any thing so i went back to fishing and i could feel someone watching me so i turned around and at the top of the bank behind me i saw it standing there watching me its hair was reddish brown the top of its leg was about the size of my chest and im 44 inches in the chest it was the biggest thing i ever saw id say between 9 to 10 feet tall as i was looking up its body it turned and started to walk away i never got to its face to see it but the size was breath taking i froze in my tracks i couldnt yell i couldnt move i was just there and on a 12 foot back it was just standing there it never made a sound i dont know if it was there when i walk up to fish or if it come up on me but i never heard any noise

ALSO NOTICED: yea something that big should have made a noise comeing or going but it didnt

OTHER WITNESSES: jody was there and i dont know the campers that where there they where leaving when i ran back to the car

OTHER STORIES: yea on sand mountain theres a white one that people see in their yards from time to time


ENVIRONMENT: wooded pond swampy at one end corn feild near by

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Leigh Culver:

I spoke with the witness by phone.

He had been fishing for about 10 minutes when he had the feeling of being watched. He looked behind and saw what he estimates to be a nine foot tall hairy man-like animal standing up on the bank. The creature was about twelve feet away from the witness. The witness stated that the creature’s hair was reddish brown in color and that its thighs were as large as the witness’ chest. He didn’t get a look at the face of the animal as it turned and walked away when it noticed that the witness had spotted it. The animal never made a sound when spotted, or when it walked off. During the event, the witness was frozen with fear and couldn’t scream. Once the creature left, the witness ran off to get his friend. They looked around a bit, but didn’t find any sign of the animal.

This area of Georgia has a very long history of sightings. There are old newspaper reports of “wildman” sightings from this area that actually pre-date newspaper reports of sasquatch sightings in the Pacific northwest.


Editor's note (MM):

Sasquatches can be amazingly quiet when they are using familiar pathways. Some pathways will be used for stalking deer (or elk or pigs, depending upon the georgaphic zone). Those pathways will be noticeably well groomed, and very quiet to walk along. Dry leaves, sticks, twigs, loose rocks, and any other debris that might make noise under foot while stalking animals will be conspicuously missing from those pathways, compared to nearby trails that are naturally littered with debris.

Sasquatches will also use paved roads as stalking pathways at night -- desolate paved roads in unpopulated forest zones with no traffic at all, or after traffic has completely died down. They use paved roads for stalking deer, elk and pigs because those animals will walk along paved roads at night also.

Dirt roads: They will only walk on dirt roads where they won't leave obvious footprints behind. They will prefer to walk on the more solid dirt roads, even if uncomfortably bumpy from gravel. They seem to avoid, muddy, sandy, or otherwise loose surfaces, but sometimes cannot avoid it, in which case they'll leave stunningly clear obvious footprints behind.

Loose surfaces are unstable surfaces, especially for heavy animals. Gravel roads are the most stable surfaces, after paved roads. Gravel roads in mountainous provide the greatest efficiency for foot travel in those particular environments, and are quiet and leave no discernable tracks. They were usually built for large logging trucks, so they have thick layers of chert and gravel. Roads made for large logging trucks don't have many large soft spots, unless you are walking along the very edge of the road.

You can walk a long way on most logging roads without leaving any footprints behind yourself, and you will be fairly quiet as you walk, compared to the amount of brush crashing you make if you were to walk off the road, cross country, at the same pace.

Sasquatches also have padded feet -- padding that not only insulates the foot in the cold months, but also helps to dampen the sound of debris crunching under foot in the warmer months.

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