DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Iowa > Humboldt County > Report # 2170
Report # 2170  (Class A)
Submitted by witness S. T. on Sunday, April 8, 2001.
Youths see unknown hairy primate staring at them from distance
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YEAR: 2001

SEASON: Spring

MONTH: April

DATE: 4/2/01


COUNTY: Humboldt County

LOCATION DETAILS: Sumner ave bridge if your going soutwest then take a left before the hill and go over into the woody area and walk about a 1/4 of a mile down ther take right and down about 50 yards.


NEAREST ROAD: Highway 169

OBSERVED: Me and 5 friends were walking in the woods at night on April 2nd this year and we saw something pretty big and real thick and furry crouching behind a bush that was in between two trees.
He had his hands on the tree and poked up to look at us. We had a video camera with us at the time but it does not show the creature. The reason we had the camera with us was because the all the dogs in our town were going crazy the last few days and we had heard odd noises coming from down in these woods which were right along side the Des Moines River. We got extremely scared at the sight of this thing and took off running right after we flipped the camera light on to try to get it on tape.
The next morning we went down to the same spot to try to find some evidence. We found nothing real important there except some broken twigs and what not. However a little ways away we found a large femur bone either from a cow or a human -- it was much to big to be a deer and wasn't a horse. This led us to dig around and we found 22 more bones. We also notices a bunch of fur around that area like rabbit or something. About a week later we went back during the day cause we were scared of night and found a deer dead with its rear bit completely off, shredded. We still have these bones and movie. We reported it to the police they said to give them the movie and bones. I was wondering if this would be the right thing to do. I would be glad to show any skeptics out there the tape and bones and if you come soon enough the deer but I imagine it will rot soon.

ALSO NOTICED: Lots of fur found. Bones and the deer we found things that may have been foot prints but we don't know.

OTHER WITNESSES: Five. We were playing baseball on Playstation 2.

OTHER STORIES: 1978 - the Ottesen Monster

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Night about 12:30 It was very dark out and ok weather but wet from the recent thaw.

ENVIRONMENT: Along the Des Moines River near the Sumner Ave. bridge. It was kind of like a swamp at the time.

Follow-up investigation report:

I talked with the witness on the 25th of August. His estimation of the height of the creature was six and a half feet to possibly seven feet tall. Its hands could be seen as it pulled itself up from a crouched position. It had places where the hair was longer....the boys were very nervous upon looking upon it. It was described as V-shaped in the torso and well built in the arms. When the light from the video camera was flipped on, I was told that the reflection from its eyes was red. Initially his parents did not believe him but do now. However, he felt the police did not.
It was viewed from approximately 80 feet away and the bottom half of it was obscured by the bushes. It also had a big heavy squarish head. He thought it was dark in color and would have been able to tell if it was a light color. His question to me was why was he in a swamp ??? We both agreed that not many people go there. Continued investigation regarding the sighting is planned.

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