DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Iowa > Madison County > Report # 23489
Report # 23489  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Monday, March 31, 2008.
Nighttime sighting near Goeldner Woods County Park
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YEAR: 2007


MONTH: November

DATE: Late November


COUNTY: Madison County

LOCATION DETAILS: The sighting occurred on Hogback Bridge Rd. Coming south on 169 out of De Soto, you'd want to take a right on G14 and a left on Hogback Bridge. The sighting ocurred just after the T intersection about half a mile down the road.


NEAREST ROAD: Highway 169

OBSERVED: I live in Des Moines, Iowa, but almost every weekend I take my wife and daughter down to the country just outside of Earlham to visit with my parents. The incident happened during the later weeks of November. Maybe the 17th or the 22nd? It hadn't quite started snowing yet, but it was getting colder. We were driving back from my parent's house on Hogback bridge road at about 11:30 PM or so and I will admit to being fairly drowsy at the time, but I have driven that road countless times, tired or not, and have never encountered something like this.
My wife and daughter had already fallen asleep by the time we reached the intersection. On the left side of the road I thought I saw something crouched in front of the intersection sign. As we neared the sign, whatever it was stood up and acted like it was going to try to cross the road. My heart skipped several beats at the sheer size of this thing. It was easily 7-8 feet tall, was very skinny/lanky, and was covered with shaggy, matted brown hair. It's eyes reflected yellow in my headlights like a cat's. I recall saying "Oh God." as I swerved a bit in terror but kept driving. After I had passed it and the realization set in of what I just saw I turned and woke my wife up and told her. She acted as concerned as someone who was just woken up could be, but wasn't able to fall asleep again until we got home.
I was so scared that I called my mother who lives only a couple of miles away and told her to lock her doors. She agreed to do it, but didn't believe that I had seen anything, of course.

I've been researching the possibility of sasquatches ever since then and came across this site. One thing that was odd, is that several of the other Iowan sitings were in November as well. Perhaps this could indicate a migratory behavior?

ALSO NOTICED: One of the things that scared me most was the massive size of the thing. Standing up it was easily almost as tall as the road sign, which is a good ten feet off the ground, I believe.

OTHER WITNESSES: None. My wife and daughter were asleep in the car at the time. After I saw it I jostled her awake, but was too scared to turn around to try and see it again. My main focus was on getting out of there and driving away as fast as possible.

OTHER STORIES: Actually yes, I never really believed the reports though. My dad told me that a long time ago some guy used to walk around and make fake bigfoot tracks.
In school, it was a well known rumor that supposedly a sasquatch lived in Goeldner's Woods. (A local park very close to where I saw the creature) I never really believed those either, but I know that all legends/rumors have some sort of truth to them. I've walked through Goeldner's Woods many times, but never really saw or experienced anything odd.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: About 11:30 or so. It was very dark out, so I believe that it was overcast that night.

ENVIRONMENT: It's mostly pastures and farm land. There is a small creek about 20 yards off the side of the road that runs parallel along side. The side of the road where I spotted the creature goes down a very steep incline until the trees and creek begin. It was standing near the road sign at the intersection.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Eric Lester:

I spoke to the witness over the phone, and he told me about what he seen that night. Not much can be added to this report. His first thought was that 'it's big.' The creature was looking towards him as he passed it in his car, and his sighting only lasted a few seconds.

The height and hair description of the creature is typical of sasquatch sightings; there are also many descriptions of skinny, or lanky, sasquatch, like in this report.

Goeldner Woods county park is about 2 miles away from this location. This park is about 44 acres of woodland, and is near where the grandfather of the witness' friend said he seen a sasquatch years ago.

About BFRO Investigator Eric Lester:

Eric Lester is a medical professional and has been investigating possible Sasquatch sightings since 2004.
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