DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Georgia > Cherokee County > Report # 26262
Report # 26262  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, July 12, 2009.
Couple witness creature crossing road north of Atlanta
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YEAR: 2009

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 28

STATE: Georgia

COUNTY: Cherokee County




OBSERVED: My girlfriend and I was returning home in the early morning hours, around 3am, on the date of June 28th 2009. I play lead guitar in a well known band in the Atlanta area. For this, it's late when I do come home. We live in a area that is very rural with lots of farming land and needless to say we are surrounded by woods. On this particular night we were less than a half of a mile from home. We were traveling past a pasture when I saw a figure cross the road in front of me. My girlfriend also seen it and asked me if I had saw it. I told her yes but that was the last we spoke of it untill later that day. We started describing to each other what we had seen and the first thing I told her that it looked to me like it had reddish colored hair. Then I said to her that I didn't want her to think I was crazy but it looked to me like it was walking on 2 legs...not 4. As I said this to her her I could see that she was shocked by what I told her. Then I asked her what she had seen. She had seen the same thing and even told me that whatever it was had reddish eyes. We saw a creature that stood about 6ft. Tall and moved rapidly from left to the right side of the road

ALSO NOTICED: We have only lived in this house for about a month. We keep hearing what sounds like somone walking in the woods behind our house. Our neighbors say that it's deer. What we hear late at night sounds like it's footsteps of a person not an animal.

OTHER WITNESSES: My girlfriend. We were talking about the band I am in and that nights show.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Around 3 a.m. Weather was clear. Very dark stretch of road.

ENVIRONMENT: Pasture land. High tension wires overhead

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Mary Mallon:

I followed up with the witnesses about the event. Both witnesses seemed very certain about what they saw that night. Both agreed that what crossed in front of them was on two legs, covered in reddish colored hair, and moved very quickly. The area of this sighting is rural farm land with several chicken farms nearby. Since that night they have had other occurrences on their property, located only a few miles away.

About BFRO Investigator Mary Mallon:

Mary is originally from the Finger Lakes Region of Central New York and currently resides in East Tennessee.
Expeditions attended - Multiple private and public expeditions from Georgia to Vancouver Island from 2009 to current.

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