DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Pierce County > Report # 3438
Report # 3438  (Class A)
Submitted by witness D. K. on Thursday, November 29, 2001.
Five member family camping see a hairy upright animal
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YEAR: 1995

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 26

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Pierce County

LOCATION DETAILS: Staying in a campground 3 to 4 miles up from Twentyeight Mile creek, on the next creek, 3/4 miles up it at the end of the road. The roads have change since then and there is a detour in the area. Divide ridge, possibly Burns creek.

NEAREST TOWN: Enumclaw (Greenwater area)

NEAREST ROAD: Hwy 410, FR 70

OBSERVED: Just after dinner DK was sitting around the campfire looking at a ridgeline he had earlier observed a cow elk go over. He now saw what appeared to be a large, black, hairy upright ape... "like the one in the movie taken in California, but not as filled out." He called to the other family members to come and see this animal and the creature turned around, looked at them with a "disgusted" ape face, took very long strides up the hill to the ridge and with it's left hand, grabbed a 20 foot Fir tree and shook it violently a couple of times, then went down the other side of the ridge. It looked like it had very long arms; almost reaching it's knees.

They were amazed that it could take such long strides up that hill, without the aide of pulling on trees.

The son-in-law and grandson (who is 6' 4" tall) went up to the area where they saw this animal, to look for it or it's tracks. They came up to the tree they had seen it shake and determined the animal was bigger than the grandson. They didn't find any tracks.

The animal was about 120 yards away and the face could be seen quite clearly. The eyes were very dark but no white was seen, possibly large hairy eyebrows and the face looked like an apes and it had hair on it as well. The head looked like it had a small cone shape to it. When it turned to look at them it turned it's whole body, not just its head.

The sighting lasted between 30 and 40 seconds.

ALSO NOTICED: Later on, they saw a man with a German Shepherd come down from the woods, near the location they had seen this animal. DK went, caught up and asked the man if he had seen anything unusual up there and the man said no but he had a hard time getting his dog to go down that hill, thinking the dog may have thought it was too steep.

OTHER WITNESSES: Just finished dinner, about 5:30PM.

OTHER STORIES: On Nov. 14th, 2001, DK went up to Pyramid pass, looking down into Government meadows and found some large scat on the service road he had parked on. He had come back to this area from time to time after his families sighting. He has hunted all his life and this scat did not look like anything he had seen before so he placed it in a gold pan and took it home. He froze it, but just after he brought it home he showed another hunter and he too could not say what it was from. It was green, had a little bit of wood and fine hair in it. It is the size of dinner rolls, stacked end to end.


ENVIRONMENT: Open hill side ridge

A & G References: Pg.64, C4, T19N, R10E,Sec15

Follow-up investigation report:

At home after his scat find, DK searched the Internet to finally report his families sighting and this new find. He contacted Todd Neiss, from Oregon but Todd could not make time to follow up on this and so called me.

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