DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Ohio > Adams County > Report # 34932
Report # 34932  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, April 5, 2012.
Possible day and nighttime encounter by campers west of Alexander Salamon Airport
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YEAR: 2009

SEASON: Summer


DATE: Saturday


COUNTY: Adams County

LOCATION DETAILS: Can take you there, my friend Steve is familiar with the area, not me.



OBSERVED: I was with my son, a friend and his son and a friend of his son's at his families camp in Adams county Ohio. The kids all day said they were seeing something with yellow eyes, but my friend Steve and I never saw it. It was in the summer time and his camp butts up to a nature preserve, and my friend Steve and his son hunt deer here every year. That night my son and I slept in our tent and Steve and the 2 boys were in his van. I got up in the early morning hours and opened the tent flap and stepped out in front and relieved myself. As I was doing this, just right in front of me about 10 to 15 feet I hear a series of grunts. I freaked and finished and got back in the tent and listened in fear. As I was laying there I could here something walking closer and go near the car. I heard the car being bumped and a grunt and the tent was brushed and another grunt and sniff, then walking away. I really didn't think about it being a Bigfoot until I saw your show about Ohio and that region. I would love to invite you guys to the site and camp there and branch out in the woods and look for him or her. Steve and I may go back soon once the weather gets warmer. Not asking to be on the show, just would like to investigate and have you all there to join us for a private hunt for evidence. Very extensive forest area with streams and a small pond with lots of deer.


OTHER WITNESSES: the kids kept seeing the yellow eyes during day. I was the only one to hear the noises

OTHER STORIES: only from your show

TIME AND CONDITIONS: it was maybe 3am. Clear, and in the 60's

ENVIRONMENT: very wooded, not very many people, butts up to nature preserve

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Steve Nystrom:

While on a weekend camping trip to his friend's property in June 2009, the primary witness and his fellow adult camper were told repeatedly their sons and another boy that they had seen a dark colored animal with "yellow eyes" staring at them, while attempting to hide behind some trees on the adjacent hill across from their campsite. Both adult witnesses became concerned by the repeated sightings of the three boys, so close to their campsite fearing that what they were seeing could be a possible mountain lion, black panther or black bear. In addition to the dark color and yellow eyes observed the boys noted that it appeared to be deliberately hiding from them by staying low to the ground, behind the trees on a nearby hill, while attempting to observe them. While investigating what the boys had seen, the witness and his adult friend never actually saw the animal. However, while investigating the area, they heard something large walking through the woods on the hill where the three boys had seen something earlier during the day.

That evening, while the witness and his son were sleeping in the tent and his adult friend and the other two boys were sleeping in their van, the witness went outside to relieve himself around 3 AM. While outside the tent, the witness heard loud grunting noises about 15 - 20 feet from him. He believed that the animal was near the road just outside of their camp site watching him. Needless to say, the witness was immediately startled, quickly finished his business, and went back into his tent. After a few minutes, he heard something bipedal walking into their campsite over near his car, a few feet from the tent that he and his son were in - grunting and sniffing as it did so. The witness then heard the car being bumped or pushed upon. Not knowing what was outside near the car, the witness said "hey" whereby, the animal walked from the car to the tent a few feet away, to where he and his son were sleeping. It then proceeded to walk along the side of the tent brushing what he felt was a hand on the nylon wall, while briefly grunting and sniffing as it moved. The witness then stated that it walked out of the campsite, possibly heading back into the state nature preserve. The witness stayed awake for about 45 minutes thinking about what had just happened, before falling back to sleep. Throughout his ordeal, no one else woke-up although his son briefly stirred when the witness said "hey" to whatever it was outside.

I met with the witness for about 90 minutes on April 9, 2012 to obtain the details of his possible encounter with the Sasquatch. The witness was a down to earth, matter-of-fact individual who served in the U.S. Navy as a Weapons Technician aboard an Ohio Class, Trident Nuclear Submarine, during the Cold War (1980s). He is now employed as a Compliance Officer with a mortgage company here in Ohio. I believe the witness to be very credible.

About BFRO Investigator Steve Nystrom:

Steve Nystrom is an active member of the BFRO. He enjoys investigating reports of Sasquatch encounters and vocalizations throughout the Midwest. Mr. Nystrom is a Senior Analyst with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. He has had a number of leadership, staff and analyst positions throughout his career, which also includes deployments to Iraq in 2008 and 2010. He recently graduated from the U.S. Army's Command and General Staff College and is attending the U.S. Army's School of Advanced Military Studies.

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