DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Michigan > Luce County > Report # 3525
Report # 3525  (Class B)
Submitted by witness Don B. on Friday, December 21, 2001.
Snowmobiler finds large barefoot tracks in upper peninsula of Michigan
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YEAR: 1972

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: February

DATE: 3rd week

STATE: Michigan

COUNTY: Luce County

LOCATION DETAILS: To the best of my knowledge, the incident occured
in sec. 24 (on the north side of the Tahquamenon River) T46N R9W Mcmillan Twsp. Luce Co. Mi.


NEAREST ROAD: Co. rd. 462

OBSERVED: While sno-mobiling in a remote area of the county in which I live, I noticed somewhat ahead of me something had walked and left this trail of foot-prints or tracks in the snow. I right away thought this is unusual as people just do not venture into this marshy area. Now this is the 3rd week of Feb., and that winter we had had a heavy fall of snow, and the depth of the snow in that area was around 30 inches. I was able to
sno-mobile as the snow had a very hard crust on the surface solid enough to support the weight of the sno-machine without breaking through. So I drove right up on the trail made by something and I stopped and looked down at them. Then I
realized these were not black-bear tracks of one coming out of hibernation early, or some person on snow-shoes, or any other familiar thing. These were human bare-foot tracks. The impression left in the snow by whatever walked through there was perfect. The heel mark, the toes, the way the feet taper from wide in the front to narrow by the heel. And thats when the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. A bare-foot giant had walked through there. I saw those prints, and a real fear came over me. And at that time, I had never heard of bigfoot. I had heard of Yeti, in the Himalayas, and Sasquatch in the Pacific north west, but never Bigfoot. I got out of there in a hurry.

ALSO NOTICED: Nothing else unusual to report.


OTHER STORIES: About two years later, I heard of a story of people coming across tracks in the soft mud of a lake in the Rexton, Mi. area, a community about
25 miles southeast of Newberry. As I recall, this incident even resulted in a mention in our local newspaper The Newberry News, but I did not save the article, nor do I remember exactly what
it said.
Then, there was a mister Fair, of Newberry, Mi.
(now deceased) who while picking blueberries on
the side of a hill, looked up toward the top of that hill, and there was a Bigfoot at the top of the hill looking down at him. He did not tell the
year or where this sighting took place.
Also a friend who lives in Curtis, Mi. while
fishing a remote lake north of Seney, Mi. came
across giant human footprints in the sand of that lake shore.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Incident occured about 3:00 p.m.
Good light, inspite of being slightly overcast with a wind out of the north-west.

ENVIRONMENT: A marshy area, with sand ridges of Jack-Pine, Norway-Pine, and White-Pine growth on them. This in the early spring is the flood plain of the Tahquamenon River which is very close to the trail left by the Bigfoot.

Follow-up investigation report:

During our communication, the witness told me that when he first noticed the tracks, he thought they were very recognizable. They looked to him as having been made by a giant human being. He also stated the very idea of it made him extremely nervous... he referred to it as "primeval fear fell on me." He is fifty-seven years old and this is one of the few times in that span of time that he had a real sensation of fear. He mentioned that it was the size of the prints and the humanness of them that made him feel that way. Regarding their size, he stated he couldn't remember exactly how big they were but he remembers that they were twice as long and twice as wide as an ordinary human's. He stated he took another quick look to verifty that yes, indeed they were what he thought they were, and wasted no time in getting out of there. He also mentioned some other incidences of tracks in the general area. He has been a sawmiller and a logger for the past thirty years and has spent a significant amount of time in the back country. This report describes the only time he had ever seen such tracks and since that time he has kept his eyes open looking for such things while in remote areas.

Several other comments he made are below.
1) I remember it plain as if it happened last week.
2) The weather was warm the day before I saw the prints.
3) That allowed the snow to pack and those prints were really
something to look at... real real nice prints, as far as detail.

Regarding habitat, Don stated that it was very swampy low ground. He also said, "There were ridges of jack and other pine and cedar with lowland swale holes of black spruce growing really thick which provides real densely forested cover."

He ended our conversation with the agreement of staying in touch, and getting a hold of a few key people for more details.

In another comment, he stated that the widest part of the tracks was at the base where the toes attach.. He declined guessing the length or width of the foot since it happened thirty years ago.

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