DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Tennessee > Coffee County > Report # 43099
Report # 43099  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, December 3, 2013.
Activity including a dawn sighting at a home outside Tullahoma
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YEAR: 2011-2013

SEASON: Spring

MONTH: April

DATE: ??

STATE: Tennessee

COUNTY: Coffee County

LOCATION DETAILS: Woods on one side of the road creek and woods on the other side of road go forever they do have caves and sink holes and hidden places plus deer squirrel rabbit wild turkey. When in Tullahoma go about 3.5 miles north.

NEAREST TOWN: 3.5miles outside Tullahoma Tennessee

OBSERVED: I was pulling out of my driveway getting ready to leave for work as I looked to the left I noticed movement on the embankment by the road. I sat watched for a little while and a very very large dark cone headed type person animal whatever you want to call it took a step and was in the middle of the road. It just stood there like it was watching me watching it. It stood there for a few mins and turned and walked across the street into underbrush and trees over by the creek. I waited a little longer and it never came back out so I went to work. This started a sort of strange animals being seen around here and heard. My father claimed to keep seeing a very large brownish black bear across the street. The next door neighbors grandson was playing in the back yard and came around front and told us there was a big gorilla in the backyard. The sound I have heard at night is a cross between a scream, howl and growl and some nights you can smell a very heavy wet dog smell with a hint of mildew mixed in.

ALSO NOTICED: At first I thought it was a man but he looked like he was wearing a fur coat and had a funny shaped head. What I saw the thing was very large. The way he came off the embankment wasn't like any animal or man I've ever seen, it was like a very large step down for him and he was there.

OTHER WITNESSES: I was the only one to see it in the road but as far as the howl scream type noise several people heard it and we've heard it more than once.

OTHER STORIES: No one talks about this type stuff because of jobs and such and don't want people to think they are crazy. I just wanna know what I'm hearing and what did I see. If its Bigfoot I just want it to remain safe and not ever be put in a cage or experimented on. He is after all, one of Gods great wonders...

TIME AND CONDITIONS: The road incident occurred early in the morning, sun was just coming up but still shadowed in areas. Around maybe 5:30ish am. The others were at different times of the day. The screams are always at night..

ENVIRONMENT: On left side of the road 146 acres of trees with spring fed creek turkey deer also on land. On right side of street creek trees and on down following the railroad track is tool house hollow that leads back deeper into the woods.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator W. Gibson:

After phone interviews and an extensive on-site investigation, I’ve come to the conclusion this report is accurate. The following can be added:

The witness was 100 yards from the creature during the sighting.

The creature was approximately 9’6” tall standing in the slumped position and 4’6” wide at the shoulders.

It covered the 10 feet from the middle of the road to the edge in one and a quarter steps.

The embankment it was standing on before jumping onto the road was about 4 feet above the road. It leaped across the ditch and to the middle of the road, a distance of 20 feet, from a standing position and without moving beforehand. The leap was in a one-foot forward style. It landed standing.

The color was very dark/black with a dark face. The hair was 6” long and very matted with long, matted clumps hanging from the arms. The hands reached the knees.

The hands were human like and the fingers were spread apart.

Muscles could not be seen for the thick, long, matted hair.

The estimated time the creature stood in the middle of the road before it walked off was 10 seconds.

The sun was up, but still low. It was just after the spring time change.

I found 2 identical stick structures up the steep hill in the woods behind the witness’ house. The first one was about 200 yards away and was most likely intentionally built. The second one was about 300 yards away and was also built intentionally. There was not a single stick on the ground within 25 yards of the second one. The 2 were in alignment with the north and south boundaries of the houses below. Both pointed due south.

The creature would have easy access to about 50 square miles of mostly unpopulated, heavily-wooded rolling hills with bluffs and lakes.

Activities include rocks being thrown onto the roof and metal fence posts being pulled straight up out of the ground.

Increased activity started when the witness moved her horses to another location and quit putting out oats, apples, and other foods.

About BFRO Investigator W. Gibson:

W. Gibson is a retired educator and has had a lifelong interest in the Bigfoot phenomena since an encounter from his youth.

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