DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Oklahoma > Logan County > Report # 59414
Report # 59414  (Class B)
Submitted by witness NONE on Monday, May 7, 2018.
Family fishing is roared at in Logan County
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YEAR: 2003

SEASON: Summer


STATE: Oklahoma

COUNTY: Logan County

LOCATION DETAILS: Near boat ramp on east side of the lake



OBSERVED: My wife, daughter, son, and I were fishing at a lake near Guthrie Oklahoma. It was the end of May and we decided to do some night fishing but arrived well before dark. We got our poles in the water and were enjoying being outdoors when some doves started calling back and forth. Our daughter began imitating the calls and did a fairly good job of it.

As it began to get dark, I attempted to light my old Coleman lantern but couldn't get it to generate so we packed up and moved over closer to the boat ramp where there was some light from a street lamp.

Once it was dark, the noise from the frogs and insects was loud enough for us to comment about. A couple of owls also began hooting back and forth and our daughter began imitating them too. This went on for some time until one of the owls flew right in front of us - close enough to see it in what little light we had. Almost as soon as the owl was past there was in incredible roar from the direction the owl came from. It was so loud and forceful that I felt it vibrate in my chest. It lasted about 5 seconds and then it became dead silent. No frogs, no bugs, nothing except my wife and daughter looking at me and asking, What the hell was that? It took a bit but the frogs and bugs slowly began their chorus again.

I spent 21 years in the military and never in my travels heard anything like this. What ever made this noise had to be huge and it sounded angry. I spent time in Central America and have heard Howler monkeys at close range. They are loud but never did one rattle my chest.

We stayed a few minutes longer and then packed up and went home. I've spent a lot of time outdoors in various parts of the world and have very seldom felt uneasy - this rattled me a bit. Our son had gone to the vehicle and fell asleep about 45 min earlier and didn't wake up for this.

ALSO NOTICED: The fact that after we heard the roar there were no frogs or insects making noise for some time.

OTHER WITNESSES: Three individuals night fishing. My daughter imitating doves and owls.

OTHER STORIES: Report 1298 on BFRO website is very near here. There have also been some stories in local media in the past.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: About an hour after dark. Clear skies.

ENVIRONMENT: Just north of the boat ramp, The South and west areas of lake have heavy cover.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Bill S.:

I spoke to the witness, whom I will call Howard, at length over the phone. It was an enjoyable and enlightening conversation. And despite the fact that this incident happened almost 16 years ago, time has not changed the feelings and emotions for him, his wife and their daughter.

At the time, he was still active duty military. And therefore he, rightly, viewed himself as being a pretty tough guy that was not easily frightened. There were four of them fishing. He, his wife, their daughter and their son. He had scouted the area previously to get an idea where they wanted to bank fish.

They were fishing for catfish on the lake. As it got darker, they moved to the other side of the boat ramp as there was a street light near there so they could have more light. There were a few doves in the area and their daughter was calling to them. She has a very accomplished singing voice and hits notes perfectly. Even back then, she was very good and mimicked them well.

As it got later, their son headed to the truck to sleep. The others kept fishing. They had caught a few small fish which they threw back and some keepers which he had on a string in the lake. The way they were positioned on the lake was in a small cove with water in front and to their left. There is thick cover to their right, and if navigated properly, one could stay in thick cover for several miles in an Easterly and Southeasterly direction.

They began hearing a couple of owls hooting back and forth to each other. I questioned him more thoroughly on this point, and he stated that he does believe they were owls. The family also commented to each other how loud the frogs and the insects were. The daughter began mimicking the owls as well. An owl then swooped in on them from the cover to the right. They heard it do this. I have had an owl swoop in on me as well and you don’t hear them until they are right on top of you and they flap their wings to get away. This is what Howard described.

Immediately after the owl, there was a loud roar from the cover and exactly where the owl had come from. And at the sound of the roar, the entire area went dead silent. No frogs or insects for a minute or two. Then they restarted a few at a time until it was back to the original level.

Howard has spent time in jungles and other various locals. He has heard howler monkeys. The closest thing he could remotely compare it to was the roar of a lion. But it was deeper, and longer. He stated it rattled his chest. He said that whatever it was had massive lung capacity. His daughter and wife recall being “freaked out” and terrified by the roar. He, however, being active military, was trying to remain calm and rational. He said they stayed just a bit longer, and then they left. They took the larger fish off the stringer and released them back into the lake as well.

Ever since then, he has done his best to evaluate the incident and come up with a “rational” explanation. Or at least one that does not end up with a sasquatch. Each time, he keeps coming back to that conclusion. He has listened to audio and he has not heard the same sound. It was not a howl or a whoop. It was a roar. He, like so many other witnesses, still can’t really come to grips with what he heard, but it has definitely piqued his interest in the subject.

About BFRO Investigator Bill S.:

Bill is a business owner who has attended OK 2011, AR 2012, CO 2012, NM 2013, NC 2014, CO 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and several private expeditions.

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