DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > New York > Ulster County > Report # 59664
Report # 59664  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, July 3, 2018.
Possible activity on a farm with beef cattle near Kingston
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YEAR: 2018

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 28th

STATE: New York

COUNTY: Ulster County

NEAREST TOWN: City: Kingston. Town: Port Ewen

OBSERVED: Myself and my soon to be fiancé were having a bonfire on her 87 acre beef farm and we were playing Native American music when we both heard tree knocks and vocal “whoops” coming from in front and behind us......we both feel very strongly that we do have a squatch on this property not 1 but possibly 3
She had an encounter when she was a much younger girl here on the farm and heard stories from her father about staying away from the back field at night.....there’s a lotta history here on this farm and as it is one of the last real farms left here in upstate New York

Update: As I’m typing this at July 3 10:22am I just heard a very large tree knock followed by a sound of a crashing tree!!!

ALSO NOTICED: Very bad smell in the area


TIME AND CONDITIONS: At night around 10pm-2am we stayed outside until the sounds stopped

ENVIRONMENT: Name of farm omitted for privacy reasons.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Mike Young:

Beef farm near the Hudson River, Forests and State Preserves nearby. Deciduous forest typical of the Hudson Highlands.

I interviewed Witness 1, Male, and found him to be credible. Details about the colors and settings provided great detailed information. Witness saw a Juvenile as a child in Vermont near Whitehall NY. He was 6 years old.

I interviewed Witness 2, Female, Credible also. She had fewer sightings and noted they had left when he was no longer gifting apples.

Both heard knocks and whoops in the past months.

He heard growls when he slept on her coach.

They built a new back deck. He saw a large hand one evening at twilight, started mimicking him while smoking, called her and by the time she got over it had left.

Beef cattle farmland with forest on the perimeter. Back field direct to the woods. Large State Preserve nearby.

Family Farm:

10 head of Beef, one bull
2 horses M/F
10-15 chickens
Wild Turkeys

3 Chickens lost around 4th July 2016, possibly turkey vultures.

Plum and apples trees on the farm, ponds and a clear stream, reeds, frogs and turtles.

A cow appeared to want to drown itself several nights in a row, and had to be put down, this happened at night. Cow tested, not Mad Cow Disease.

Female and her Mother saw them 20 years ago. Farm is 3rd generation.

Fiancée: She had an encounter when she was a much younger girl here on the farm and heard stories from her father about staying away from the back field at night.....there’s a history here on this farm and as it is one of the last real farms left here in upstate New York

Her Sister and Husband help work the farm. They leave in the evening. Never seen anything

Property is her Mother's farm for many generations. Mother saw things on the farm too.

About BFRO Investigator Mike Young:

Mike Young is a BFRO investigator and has attended Bigfoot expeditions in New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ohio, and New Jersey. His BFRO investigations have been published in the Albany Times Union, the New York Post, and Fox News Channel.

A data and security specialist, Mike has a Business and Technology degree from Fordham University and a graduate degree in IT Management from the University of Virginia. He has given speeches on IT Security at the National Security Agency in Fort Meade, Maryland and Cybersecurity conferences in NYC, Ottawa Canada, and Silicon Valley California. He currently lives in Connecticut.

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