DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Colorado > Larimer County > Report # 62929
Report # 62929  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, May 30, 2019.
Possible Sasquatch Photo (or Blobsquatch) from Storm Mountain, 10 miles NE of Estes Park
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YEAR: 2019

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 25

STATE: Colorado

COUNTY: Larimer County

LOCATION DETAILS: Storm Mountain private road



OBSERVED: My husband and I went to check on a friend's cabin on Storm Mountain north of Drake, CO. While behind the cabin we thought we heard voices like a small kid hollering I so went to see. We were in the national forest behind the cabin. I went on ahead of my husband. He has a bad back and doesn't walk far. We had walkie talkies. I went on ahead where the sound was coming from. I was talking to my husband on the walkie talkie. When I went up the hill in the wooded area I could hear limbs cracking like someone walking nearby. I saw a rock outcropping area. I felt like I got zapped by infra-sound. I took a picture in that direction of the noise and child like sounds. My phone went dead but my w.t. I had my was still working. I was disoriented and did not know which way to go so husband clacked rocks together making noise so I would know where to go. I was in a daze. I found my husband, went back to cabin and charged my phone to look at the pictures I took, and there he was standing behind a tree, looking at me. It sounded like there was more than one. Our friends that own cabin have heard sounds at night, it is in a secluded area.

ALSO NOTICED: yes we heard sounds that sounds like child making sounds, chattering, so we went to investigate

OTHER WITNESSES: my husban and I, my husband was listening on a walkie talkie, just a little way from me

OTHER STORIES: there has been reports in this area before, local news paper reports

TIME AND CONDITIONS: about 2.30 to 3 o clock sunny day

ENVIRONMENT: mountainous treed areas , rocky area. aspen and pine trees, steep area

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Mark Taylor:

The reporting party, with whom I am familiar, contacted me regarding an afternoon walk, hearing voices, sticks breaking and then finding a potential BF in the photographs she viewed later.

On May 25, 2019, Leah and Mike went for a walk along a trail above a cabin east of Estes Park. The cabin sits at 7,313 feet at UTM.

Approximately 100 yards into the walk, Leah heard what sounded like a baby crying. This part of the national forest is accessible only through private property (cabins), so Leah thought it might have been a cabin neighbors’ child. Mike and Leah followed the sound up a drainage that veered away from the trail. Mike went a short distance before sitting down on a log to rest. The sound continued to always stay about 50 yards in front of her as she followed it. Leah continued up the drainage until she came to a rock outcropping that blocked her path. At this point she felt that she shouldn’t follow the crying sound anymore, so she took a picture directed in the location of the sounds. Feeling uneasy and dazed, she contacted her husband via 2-way radio as she felt disoriented. Mike clacked rocks together to direct her back to the trail where he was waiting.

When Leah returned home she downloaded her pictures and discovered an image on the rock outcropping that appeared to be the upper torso and right shoulder of a sasquatch.
Leah contacted BFRO investigator Mark Taylor and sent him the pictures.

On June 29, 2019, BFRO investigators Mark Taylor and Jack Wieland met Leah & Mike in Estes Park. They took us to the cabin east of Estes Park where they had experienced the encounter.
We followed them up the trail then up the drainage to the rock outcropping. We positioned ourselves in the exact same position as Leah was when she took the picture. Using the original photo and Leah’s same phone used to take the photos, we took our time getting into the exact position where Leah stood to take the original photo by lining up trees, sticks, branches and rocks. Jack climbed up the rock face to simulate the object/sasquatch. The rock outcropping sloped quickly away from the edge. Too far forward or back and the creature would need to have been 12’ tall.

Jack was finally able to stand on a rock and by using a stick and his hat he was able to replicate a location where the sasquatch would have been, using a tape measure we measured 7’6”-10” tall. Distance from camera to object was measured at 23 yds using a laser range finder. The area overhead of this exact position was clear of overhead branches. We also studied the area closely and do not believe that the image of the squatch was pareidolia caused by foliage and shadows.

We spent about 2 hrs at the site before returning to the cabin for the evening. Nothing was heard or seen that night. We returned to the Denver area the following day. This investigation and report were completed by Mark Taylor and Jack Wieland.

Images below provided by the witness and Mark Taylor. They were uploaded by Matt Moneymaker along with his commentary below.

The BFRO does not consider it a valid research technique to take photos of brush then later look for "faces" in the foliage.

That is not what happened here. The witness took a photo of a rock outcropping from which she heard strange vocalizations. It is valid to later examine a photo closely in that situation. That is what happened here.

The first image shows is the zoomed-in crop blow up. It is blurry unavoidably. The second image is the larger, sharper un-zoomed verson. The relevant portion is circled in red.

Two sensible BFRO investigators believe this photo could be an image of real sasquatch. It is not a *good* photo of anything, but rather one of those rare borerline blobsquatch cases where the circumstances justify posting it publicly.

Jack Wieland holds up his hat on a stick to get a height approximation. This photo was taken from the same angle as the photos above it.

Side angle of Jack Wieland holding up his hat on a stick to get a height approximation of the figure.

The cabin on Storm Mountain mentioned in the story.

About BFRO Investigator Mark Taylor:

Mark Taylor is a retired business professional and is currently self-employed in the classic car business. As a Rocky Mountain area native he is an avid outdoorsman and was group leader of search and rescue operations logging over 800 hrs. of field time in 5 years as well as 200 hours of professional search and rescue training. He resides in Conifer & Grand Junction CO with his wife. Mark has worked in recent years with Colorado BFRO members and attended expeditions in Colorado, Washington & New Mexico as well leading Colorado expeditions.

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