DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Maine > Penobscot County > Report # 66224
Report # 66224  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, October 21, 2020.
Distinct wood knocks heard 18 miles NNE of Bangor
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YEAR: 2020


MONTH: October

DATE: October 19th

STATE: Maine

COUNTY: Penobscot County

LOCATION DETAILS: Heavily wooded wilderness miles off Route 2 into the old logging camps.

[Large property near the end of Cedar Ridge Road]



OBSERVED: I was not in any way aware that these creatures existed in Maine, firstly. I am from Connecticut however I have spent years in desolate oilfields across the U.S. including places like West Texas, the upper Peninsula of Michigan, and the Everglades of Florida. I have a vast knowledge of wildlife as I have always taken an interest to it and spent years IN the forest. My point is, what I experienced this day has shaken me to the core as I know my encounter was nothing "normal".

In the Northwoods of Maine in a town called Greenbush, (population 1,400) I purchased 80 acres of wilderness with virgin forest on the back half of the lot. (meaning not even loggers have been there, it's that desolate.) I had rented an excavator and for this entire day I had been cutting a road through swamp, hills and forests to a high hill I call Hope Hill on the virgin most desolate corner of my land where I want to build my cabin.

I had made it halfway and in the swamp I realized I was out of fuel. I shut down the machine and get out. I step down onto to road and was admiring my work and just relishing in the whole idea of pioneering this new path.

Suddenly about 50 yards into the tree line I hear a bang with a stick on to a tree. Like someone was hitting a wooden bat against a large tree trunk as the percussion was unmistakable... At first I thought "Oh crap there is a moose" because it is mating season for them and they are known to ram their antlers against trees to intimidate their foes.

Suddenly, the sound happens again. Now I am certain this is no moose as no branches are breaking, there is movement, no grunts, nothing... Just this wooden thump just through the trees where I can't see.

I begin walking further away because I'm obviously freaked out. Again, but now 2 knocks... I grab a large branch I had just ripped down with the machine and smacked it against a large tree trunk. Immediately I received a knock in response. I wait around 45 seconds.... I knock again, BANG it knocks right after me again... I knock again 5 seconds later, it responds again right back....

Now I am shaking because I know what I presume this creature to be. It's obviously strong because the bang was very loud. Intimidating... I knew there was a certainty I was interacting with Sasqauch.

I went back to my trailer on my qaud which was parked about 200 feet down the trail. I FLEW home. I calm down, now I am questioning reality and am quite, scared I guess. This is my land, I'm only halfway through making the road, these are my thoughts, so I decide to ride back...

I knock again. It responds. I take my phone out. Turn on record on video, I knock, it goes away... Almost as if it knew I was recording. Regardless it was incredibly perplexing. I got back on the quad and went back home knowing for sure what I just experienced was legitimate.

I brought a feather bead string thing from a dream catcher and brought it out there as a gift. It's been 3 days. I haven't gone back to see if it's still there.




TIME AND CONDITIONS: Around 4pm in light, dry and clear conditions.

ENVIRONMENT: Pine forest near lowland swamps and streams that connect to Penobscot River via Boombridge Brook.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Matthew Moneymaker:

I spoke with the witness. He is very credible. The relevant details are contained in his report. The sounds could only have been sasquatch wood knocks. He will contact us if he hears or sees anything else.

About BFRO Investigator Matthew Moneymaker:

Matthew Moneymaker is originally from the Los Feliz District of Los Angeles, California.

- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).

- Juris Doctorate (Law degree) from University of Akron School of Law

- Founder of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization,1995.

- Writer and co-producer of the Discovery Channel documentary "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science", 2001.

- Co-producer of the TV Series "Mysterious Encounters" for the Outdoor Life Network (OLN Channel), 2002.

- Producer of the "2003 International Bigfoot Symposium" (Willow Creek Symposium) DVD set, 2004.

- Co-host of "Finding Bigfoot" on Animal Planet Channel, 2010 - 2017.

- Current Director of the BFRO

- Available for private bigfoot expeditions and conferences. To inquire please email

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