DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Pierce County > Report # 9447
Report # 9447  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, October 5, 2004.
Unusual sounds heard near Enumclaw
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YEAR: 2003

SEASON: Spring

MONTH: April


STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Pierce County

LOCATION DETAILS: Maybe 5-10 miles south of Enumclaw on the 410. The forest was recently taken by Wyerhouser? unsure of spelling. We made a right on a dirt road that had a small yellow bar-gate, open at the time, and just followed it over a small bridge that crosses over White river. There were a few dirt roads before this one off the 410 and they all connect. At the time it looked like they had just begun logging the area.



OBSERVED: April? 2003 Washington state. A friend and I drove from Seattle towards Mount Rainier. Heading south on the 164/410 we pulled off onto one of many dirt roads just a few miles south of Enumclaw. I drove a few miles and parked. We hiked in the forest for a few hours and when we tried to get back to the freeway someone had locked some yellow gates on all the access roads. We had to spend the night in the car and right after dark we began hearing what sounded like hard wood beating on soft wood(like someone hitting a tree with a baseball bat) very close, maybe within 100 ft. We were terrified and drove around the access roads for a few miles and within minutes of shutting the car off it started again very close. This was not just a loud noise echoing all throughout the woods, even from inside the car I could definately tell this was within throwing distance and directed at us. We left and drove several miles again and again minutes after the car stopped the noise started again. We drove until we found a road that was seperated by just a ten foot ravine from the freeway and still it started, this time more distant in the forest. It lasted for the next couple of hours until the sun rose. I swear to god this is the truth, I have no reason to lie.

ALSO NOTICED: After the sun rose and the noise stopped we got out of the car(after holding in urine for over 6 hours)and I noticed a tree about 20 ft from the car had what looked like a large fresh wound with alot of missing bark maybe 6 or 7 feet up, but there was no bark or even splinters of wood around the base of the tree, so it could have been an old mark.

OTHER WITNESSES: 1 other than myself.

OTHER STORIES: Ive never been there before and probably will never go again. Ive always said, if I ever see Bigfoot or a UFO I would be the first out of the car to go encounter it, but it was pitchblack, in the middle of nowhere and I was petrified. I now know my limits.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: After night fall. Snowing but not cold enough to stick.

ENVIRONMENT: Snoqualmie national forest, evergreen pine. On both sides of the White river.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator John G. Callender:

I spoke with the witness for approximately one hour regarding his experience. Apparently he and a friend drove into an area on Weyerhaeuser land, parked and hiked, only to discover upon leaving that the gate was locked and they couldn't get out. Not long after it got dark they heard what sounded like wood being knocked together or possibly rocks being knocked together. They were frightened as a result of this and they decided to drive away and see if they could possibly find an open gate elsewhere.

The witness stated they were in a Nissan Maxima and he estimates the top speed they were able to reach on the rutted roads was approximately 35 M.P.H. He said they drove approximately four miles down the roads before stopping the first time only to discover the wood knocking almost immediately resuming close in to the car as soon as the car was turned off. The car was started again and driven the next time for approximately eight miles before stopping and again the wood knocking resumed. This pattern of stopping and starting continued most of the night and the witness stated he and his friend were absolutely terrified.

The witness wasn't exactly certain of the true distance they traveled since he wasn't sure whether the road was mostly straight or part of a large loop.

This area has long had a history of sightings as evidenced in the following reports.

Report #5331

Report #1594

Report #1602

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