DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Utah > Uintah County > Report # 12289
Report # 12289  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, August 10, 2005.
Possible early morning vocalizations in the Uinta mountains
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YEAR: 2005

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August



COUNTY: Uintah County

LOCATION DETAILS: We were camped at the lower Twin lake east of Marsh peak and north of Paradise park resevoir. We hiked in on trail 075 and trail 050 from Paradise park.

NEAREST TOWN: Vernal UT was 25 miles to the south

NEAREST ROAD: Blanchett Park road or Red Cloud Loop road

OBSERVED: On a recent backpack trip in the Marsh Peak/Twin Lake area of the High Uintahs in Utah I and several others in the party noticed the obvious lack of small birds, chipmunks, deer and other small wild life. On the morning of the second day shortly after our camp became active with the days preparation for more hiking we heard whooping sounds coming from up the trail where we assumed there was another group of hikers. The whoops matched one sound bites found on this web sight. As it turns out we were the only group hiking in that area at that time as we found no trace of other visitors in the area during our time there.

ALSO NOTICED: Just the absence of small wildlife.

OTHER WITNESSES: Six or seven others in the party of 20 recall hearing the whoops and asking one of the adult leaders if it was an elk bugling which as an avid hunter he made it clear it was not. We were all cooking breakfast, fishing, drying out gear, etc.

OTHER STORIES: My uncle feels that the disappearance of people in the Uintahs recently may have something to do with bigfoots, but it is speculation on his part.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: early morning shortly after sunrise about 7am. It had rained all night until about 5:30 am. The morning was clear with a few clouds and it was about 55 degrees f.

ENVIRONMENT: We were camped in the thick timber at the edge of the meadows around the lake. The tree line was at about 10,500 ft and we were camped at about 9800 ft.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator TF Zamiski:

4/13/06, I spoke with the witness for about 20 minutes today and would like to add some details to his report.

He describes the early morning vocalizations as whooping and what he meant was that the sound started low and went higher, not that they were short in duration. Each vocalization lasted several seconds, there were 4 or 5 total with about 20 seconds between. He believes they were about 1/4 mile away and plenty loud for everyone in their group to hear. Each call was slightly different, he thought there may have been more than one source.

He returned home and searched the sound bites on this site and found one very similar. With two other adults from the trip they listen to the sound bite and agreed at the similarity.

The speculative comment about the disappearance of people in the Uinta's refers to some missing person reports, nothing more.

About BFRO Investigator TF Zamiski:

Tim is semi retired. He attended the 2006 Arizona Expedition and the 2006 Wisconsin Expedition. Tim helped organize the 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2015 Arizona Expeditions and the 2011 New Mexico expedition. Active Investigator since 2005.

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