DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Ohio > Carroll County > Report # 56957
Report # 56957  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, February 28, 2017.
Woman tells her memory of being wakened by something watching her thru bedroom window near Augusta
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YEAR: 2001


MONTH: October

DATE: unknown


COUNTY: Carroll County



OBSERVED: I was about 8 years old, I believe it was fall. Everyone was asleep in bed and I had woken up to a noise at the window. We had no curtains on the windows and we lived in a trailer deep in the country surrounded by woods. When I looked out the window I seen a large figure looking at me through the window. I was so scared that I was unable to speak or scream, or even move. When I finally was able to get the courage to go to my parents room I could not say a single word. I ran back to my bed and hid under the blankets until morning. The next morning I told my parents and when they looked outside there were indentations in the ground in front of the window. They then decided to look online and seen there were more sightings in the general area. They showed me a picture and asked if that was what I had seen, and it was indeed a Bigfoot.

OTHER WITNESSES: Only me and I was sleeping

OTHER STORIES: Yes, the internet showed that other people had reported sightings nearby.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Nighttime, no lights were on.

ENVIRONMENT: We lived in a trailer surrounded by woods. We were close to a farm and lived on a hill.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Marc DeWerth:

The witness was interviewed extensively. She mentioned how frozen in fear she was while in bed as she stared at it. She said the eyes were visible and very dark in color as compared to the color of the body itself. They had no idea of any history in the area until the parents researched on the internet. The parents just assumed she was having a nightmare. Judging by the window height, the creature was estimated to be seven and a half feet tall. A very terrifying experience for the young girl.

About BFRO Investigator Marc DeWerth:

Marc has been a longtime investigator with over 25 years of experience investigating alleged Ohio Bigfoot reports. He is currently the organizer of the Ohio Bigfoot Conference that takes place at Salt Fork State Park every year and has featured multiple BFRO Investigators as speakers. He will be leading the BFRO's upcoming expedition in Ohio.

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