DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Maryland > Anne Arundel County > Report # 27702
Report # 27702  (Class A)
Submitted on Sunday, May 9, 2010.
Man recalls seeing a tall dark creature behind his house at dusk near Laurel
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YEAR: 1998

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 15

STATE: Maryland

COUNTY: Anne Arundel County

LOCATION DETAILS: From Brock Bridge Road follow River Bridge Way west to left on Forest Bridge Court then right on Serene Court. Sighting occurred adjacent to retention pond at end of cul-de-sac.


NEAREST ROAD: Brock Bridge Road

OBSERVED: Can't remember exactly when it was but it was sometime in the mid-90's over in the far western portion of Anne Arundel County - Laurel to be exact where 3 counties come together - Anne Arundel, Howard, and Prince Georges. We lived up off of Brock Bridge Road parallel to the Baltimore-Washington Parkway and one evening out with the dog out back - our home backed up to woods - I hear a rustling noise behind what was a drainage pond for our community. It was summer and the sun was getting ready to go down so it was dusk-like -- I turned - and by the way so did the dog - our Labrador Retriever - and could not believe my eyes. I observed a large - I am guessing 10-11 feet high - ape-like figure stalking in the woods behind the pond - I would say it was about 100 yards away. I just froze - and so did our dog. No one else witnessed this and we just both stood there for what seemed like 2 minutes - until the creature turned and looked our way and then slowly turned and dashed back off in to the woods....never to be seen again. I remember this like it was yesterday but did not know about this site until today when my awesome nephew, AB, told me about I am today...reporting this incident so everyone can be aware and know the truth.

OTHER WITNESSES: yes - my Labrador Retriever, Daisy

OTHER STORIES: I did hear of other incidents like this in Laurel yes - did not believe them until I had my own "sighting".


Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator D.K.:

The witness, Rich K., was contacted by phone and recounted the events of his experience as follows. On a day in August 1998 Rich was walking his Labrador Retriever alongside his home, and adjacent to a storm water retention pond next door. A rustling in the brush and movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention. When he turned to look, Rich observed a tall creature, 100 yards distant, and moving just inside the woods edge.

When Rich first observed the creature in the gathering dusk he thought to himself, "there is a very large man back there". He looked away and then looked back a second time at the creature, who was now looking back at him. Rich described what happened next as a stare-down that went on for some time, and left him feeling scared. Eventually the creature began to move and Rich started to back away. The creature then walked away, deeper into the woods, on two feet, and increasing its pace as it drew farther away. The dog was looking at the creature as well, but seemed to remain calm throughout the incident. He supposed it was due to the distance between them and the creature.

Rich estimated the creature's height against the fence it stood behind. It "towered" over the fence, more than double its four foot height and approaching nine to ten feet tall. It had long hair from its head down to its shoulders, and the rest of the body was very hairy. The fading light was too dim and distance too great to make out facial details, but the arms were long, as were the legs. The arms hung from the creature's shoulders and down the side of its torso. It's build was not heavy, but lean and athletic. Rich thought to himself that it must be a bear, but while observing it he could find nothing indicative of a bear's form.

Many years passed before Rich recited his story to family members while discussing the "strangest things" they'd every seen. His family pointed him to the BFRO and persuaded him to submit his experience. In reviewing reports from the Laurel area, Rich was surprised to learn of a sighting that occurred within two miles of his own. That in part convinced him to send in his report.

The area of Rich K's sighting is two miles south of report #24952 and immediately adjacent to several thousand acres of forested river bottom and swamp land managed by the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. This region includes thousands of acres of former Ft. Meade training ranges and is drained by the Patuxent River watershed.

About BFRO Investigator D.K.:

D.K. is a business executive with an MS in Systems Engineering. Formerly a linguistic analyst, he applies his knowledge to the collection and study of sasquatch vocals and communication patterns. BFRO expeditions attended: Tennessee 2010, Pennsylvania 2011, Ohio 2012, West Virginia 2012 & West Virginia 2013

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