DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Missouri > Greene County > Report # 5286
Report # 5286  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Monday, November 11, 2002.
Meteor watchers see large two-legged dark creature approach vehicle near Springfield
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YEAR: 2002

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August


STATE: Missouri

COUNTY: Greene County

LOCATION DETAILS: South on Hwy ZZ to the Greene / Christian county line, turn west on side road.

NEAREST TOWN: Springfield Missouri


OBSERVED: The events of that I am about to relate to you happened on August 9, 2002. just outside of Springfield Missouri.

It was about 2:00am. My son and I had driven out into the country to get away from the city lights to watch the Persudes meteor Shower. We drove south on Hwy ZZ and stopped at the top of a large hill.

We turned west onto a gravel road and stopped on the top of a hill. There were no close by trees or structures to interfere with our viewing of the night sky. It was a clear night with no moon.

After a few minutes in the dark our eyes adjusted quite well. We could see the open fields to the East and south and north of us. Looking west we could see the light colored road going down the hill and off into the distance.

After watching the sky for a few minutes I noticed out of the corner of my eye something large moving in the field south of us. At first I couldn't tell if I was actually seeing something or not, when I looked directly at it I couldn't see it but then if I looked off center of it I could see it in my peripheral vision. At times it seemed to be moving west then east. I realized it was zigzagging back and forth. I asked my son if he saw it but he didn't. About then there was a flurry of shooting stars and I diverted attention to the sky again figuring it must have been a cow or a deer.

After a few minutes both my son and I were facing north east when we heard a very deep and loud growl from behind us. Almost together we turned to each other and said" did you hear that". Turning around we both could see a large object in the road. We could not make out any details except its outline against the light colored roadway.

It was huge, it seemed to have a roughly man like shape but a kind of cone head and extremely wide shoulders. It was swaying back and forth about half way down the hill. After watching it for a few seconds I realized that it was swaying back and forth because it was walking up the hill toward us.

At this time it growled yet again, a very low deep rumble like growl. I noticed how quiet everything else was. In fact I remember thinking how funny it was that the thing made no sound on the gravel as it walked. By this time it was getting fairly close, perhaps three to four car lengths away.

It growled once again very loud and what seemed unnaturally long. With that my son screamed "lets get the hell out of here" We jumped into our car and I floored it down the road and back to the highway. I didn't slow down till we hit town.

The next day, (in full daylight of course) I went back out to the spot. I didn't find any tracks or anything. I did however notice that there was a 4 foot high barbwire fence between the field on the South and the road. If this thing was the same thing that I had seen in the field zigzagging across it would have had to step or jump the fence, as the fence was not strong enough for anyone to climb. Especially something as big as this.

I do not know what it was but it obviously did not want us there and made no bones about it. I am very curious if anyone else in this area has seen anything similar recently.

OTHER WITNESSES: myself and my son we were watching meteor shower

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 2:00am very clear clam and quiet night

ENVIRONMENT: Open fields on east north and south, Hilltop and road off into west distance

Follow-up investigation report:

In this interview, I spoke with one of the main observers and his wife. His son has not yet been willing to talk about the encounter.
Several things were pointed out to me regarding this experience that the witness described.
-It was intimidating. The creature was huge. It walked with a swaying motion. It was noticed that it was silently walking toward the observers.
-There were three vocalizations. All were loud, low and it had big lungs. In the last vocal, the sound seem to go on and on.
-The view of the creature was from on top of the hill. Had the road not been brightly contrasted (it was a chip and seal coat which made the road lighter in coloration) its possible that the viewers would have not seen the animal.
-The guestimate on the shoulder width was five or more feet. The head was described as conelike and small for the width of the shoulders.
-There seemed nowhere that hair was especially long.
The comparison was made with a golden retriever with regard to hair. The legs were obscured, probably by hair. . The view from the top of the hill looking down was a factor in the observation as well.
-The creature was heavily built and initially thought to be a bear but there was no neck. The concern was what bear walks on two legs? Eventually both father and son left the area by getting in their auto and drove off. Neither man feels comfortable outside at night at this time. But they do understand the nature of what happened. They were intimidated and left and not harmed.
-In later correspondance, I was informed that the observer feels better regarding what he saw. Its size was intimidating and after thinking it may have been a bear that was approaching they simply left.
-Regarding the wife of the witness: She stated to me that they initially considered that the object seen was a bear. But they ruled that out and became amazed that perhaps they actually saw a bigfoot since no bear walks on two legs that distance.. No ears or snout were observed either.
With regard to a person in a suit, how would they know to be there on a lonely road at 2 am? The size of the subject points to this not being a person. There was no discussion of going to that general location until about 11 pm that night. No one was told and they randomly ended up there.

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