DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Georgia > Douglas County > Report # 447
Report # 447  (Class A)
Submitted by witness F.M. on Thursday, October 12, 2000.
Unusual incident... a horseback rider's close encounter
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YEAR: 1974

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 15

STATE: Georgia

COUNTY: Douglas County

LOCATION DETAILS: 120 West to Douglasville, GA.
Exit at Chapel Hill. Off of
TimberRidge Rd.

NEAREST TOWN: Douglasville

NEAREST ROAD: TimberRidge Rd.

OBSERVED: I was 18 years old at the time, and riding
cross-country endurance for a local ranch. I had been riding for the ranch
for 4 years when this event occured. I had been out training a Black Arabian
Stud that day, riding about 20 miles in the woods. It was getting dark, but the moon was full. I was riding on a wide dirt road with woods on eitherside. Just after crossing a wood bridge I was going around an "S" curve in the road when the horse started acting up. I then heard a rustling sound in
the woods next to me. Next came a loud scream from the same area, I looked and saw a pair of eyes. They were greenish in color. What happened next went
by very quickly. What ever it was jumped out from the woods next to me and grabbed the saddle and back of the horse. As this happened, I jumped off the saddle onto the horses neck, let go of the reins and puit my arms around the
horses neck. The horse bolted and ran, I didn't slow down or look back. This thing was face to face with me. I remember the face and hands most of all. It had a HAND- not a paw.the hands were huge will hair on them and long nails. The saddle (an endurance saddle, very light weight without a horn)
leather was torn and had deep scratches or gouges in it where the creature had grabbed and pulled at it. It had very human-like features but thicker and scary looking. The hair around his face and neck was very hairy and
wirey looking (blackish-brown) with piercing eyes and it had teeth but missing some and all yellow.
This thing was massive, standing upright but alittle crouched. I was on a horse that is 16 1/2 hands and was looking it almost straight in the face.
This was not a cougar or bear.

ALSO NOTICED: The next morning I returned to the ranch to look at the
saddle and horse. When I arrived and asked about the saddle the owner said
it was gone and the horse had been studded out. He also told me he didn't want me riding for him any longer.

OTHER WITNESSES: 1, riding a horse

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Dusk, clear conditions, full moon.

ENVIRONMENT: Wooded area, Pines.

Follow-up investigation report:

Based on the height of the horse, along with the rider on it's back--estimated height of the bigfoot is 8 feet.

The witness listened to several vocalization recordings. The one that came closest to what she heard was the Del Norte County vocalization.

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